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digital excellence series

Going digital – Guidance for Restorative Practice

Going digital – Guidance for Restorative Practice

Guest speakers:

Drs. Andrea Agnini & Alessandro Agnini (IT),
Dr Ingo Baresel (DE),
Clemens Schwerin (DE),
Moderator: Chris Barrow

To accompany this event, we prepared a Speaker Guide – sharing some top tips to support the shift to a digital restorative practice.

Download Speaker Guide PDF


The benefits to adopting a digital workflow enabled by an intraoral scanner are more compelling than ever - speed, efficiency, communications, accuracy and practice development.

But to go digital, we need to rationalize the move away from existing, functional, analog restorative workflow – a shift which may seem quite daunting or somewhat confusing at first. So how to approach this?

  • How to start in digital with confidence?
  • How do I get there and what should I expect?
  • How will it impact my daily routine?
  • What does the reality of a digital workflow look like?


Our invited speakers are ready to support you – to kick start your digital journey with real-world guidance - to help you make your digital vision a digital reality.

Request a demo